IRIX Base Documentation 2001 May
SGI IRIX Base Documentation 2001 May.iso
Text File
133 lines
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3. _C_h_a_n_g_e_s__a_n_d__A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s
3.1 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s _a_n_d _A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s _f_o_r _I_R_I_X _I_n_t_e_r_a_c_t_i_v_e _S_y_s_t_e_m
_A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _6._5
The CCCCoooonnnnffffiiiigggguuuurrrreeee LLLLooooggggiiiinnnn WWWWiiiinnnnddddoooowwww tasks is added to the SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm
MMMMaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeerrrr. It can be used to customize the behavior of
_c_l_o_g_i_n(_1) without having to edit the
////vvvvaaaarrrr////ssssyyyyssssaaaaddddmmmm////ccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg////ccccllllooooggggiiiinnnn....ccccoooonnnnffff file directly.
The file ////vvvvaaaarrrr////CCCCaaaaddddmmmmiiiinnnn////ccccllllooooggggiiiinnnn....ccccoooonnnnffff is moved to
////vvvvaaaarrrr////ssssyyyyssssaaaaddddmmmm////ccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg////ccccllllooooggggiiiinnnn....ccccoooonnnnffff with the intention of keeping
all system adminstration configuration files in one
directory and eventually eliminate the /var/Cadmin
A HHHHoooosssstttt MMMMaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeerrrr is added to the SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm MMMMaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeerrrr. There are
three tasks under the Host Manager. They are the AAAAdddddddd aaaa HHHHoooosssstttt
EEEEnnnnttttrrrryyyy, MMMMooooddddiiiiffffyyyy aaaa HHHHoooosssstttt EEEEnnnnttttrrrryyyy, and DDDDeeeelllleeeetttteeee aaaa HHHHoooosssstttt EEEEnnnnttttrrrryyyy. These
tasks allow you to manage the list of hosts that can be
accessed from this workstation by updating the ////eeeettttcccc////hhhhoooossssttttssss
A PPPPrrrroooocccceeeessssssss MMMMaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeerrrr is added to the SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm MMMMaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeerrrr. It
displays the running processes base on a seach filter that
is controlable by the user. Running processes can be
terminated through the PPPPrrrroooocccceeeessssssss MMMMaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeerrrr.
The AAAAdddddddd aaaa MMMMooooddddeeeemmmm task supports a new 56K modem, _S_u_p_r_a. The
_U_S_R_o_b_o_t_i_c_s _S_p_o_r_t_s_t_e_r is another 56K modem that we already
The SSSSeeeetttt UUUUpppp IIIISSSSDDDDNNNN task supports two new switch software types
A new Change Permissions tool is now available from System
Manager and from dirviews to assist with making changes to
file ownership and access. The Change Permissions tool
replaces the Permissions Panel available in IRIX 5.2, 5.3,
and 6.2 as well as the Active Guides Make Files Public, Make
Files Private, Change File Ownership and Change File
Permissions available in IRIX 6.3 and 6.4. For more
details, see the _p_e_r_m_i_s_s_i_o_n_s(1M) man page.
The system administration tools have been completely
redesigned. The oooobbbbjjjjeeeeccccttttsssseeeerrrrvvvveeeerrrr iiiissss nnnnoooo lllloooonnnnggggeeeerrrr sssshhhhiiiippppppppiiiinnnngggg, and all
dependencies on it have been removed from the system
administration tools. You can aaaacccccccceeeessssssss rrrreeeemmmmooootttteeee ddddeeeevvvviiiicccceeeessss aaaannnndddd
rrrreeeessssoooouuuurrrrcccceeeessss on a per-machine basis. Most notably, all
functionality available in the IRIX 6.2 system
administration tools, as well as some new functionality
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previously unavailable in the IRIX graphical interface, has
been implemented in new IRIX 6.5 AAAAccccttttiiiivvvveeee GGGGuuuuiiiiddddeeeessss.
System administration tasks are accomplished using AAAAccccttttiiiivvvveeee
GGGGuuuuiiiiddddeeeessss, which are are step-by-step tools that walk you
through the system administration procedures that you need
to perform. They inform you what you will need and what
will happen in the task up front, so you can prepare for the
procedure or decide to do it at another time, avoiding
unnecessary interruptions in the process.
In the nnnneeeewwww SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm MMMMaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeerrrr, you're presented with two
columns. The table on the left lets you navigate through
the main categories. The list on the right shows the
options for that particular category currently chosen. For
example, you can click on the Hardware and Devices category
on the left, then choose the Install A Modem guide from the
options that appear on the right. Hypertext links in the
documents provide the means to navigate through the
categories, to choose guides, and to obtain additional
information and definitions.
For more details, see the _s_y_s_m_g_r(1M) man page.